Hanging photos

Hanging photos on the wall
Nails, screws and tape become redundant with the picture hanging systems manufactured by STAS. When using the various hanging systems, you can hang your cards and photographs stylishly and exchange them easily without leaving ugly tape residue, holes from thumbtacks, etc.
Learn more about the systems STAS magnet set and STAS picture hits.
Hanging photo frames
To hang your photo frames flexibly you can use one of our picture hanging systems. There are different kinds of systems to choose from. The picture rail system can be easily mounted on your wall or ceiling. Then hook the STAS cobra with perlon cord or steel cable at the desired spot into the picture rail. The STAS zipper or STAS smartspring picture rail hook can be attached to the cord, which you can slide up and down easily to the desired height. This way, hanging photo frames is a breeze…
Hanging photos without frames on wire
With the STAS magnet set you can hang pictures on a steel cable. The system allows you to easily exchange pictures. It is applicable for all STAS picture hanging systems, except for the STAS j-rail and j-rail max. Suitable for postcards, photos and all paper sizes. The STAS magnet set works through a powerful neodymium magnet tripod with the STAS steel cable and is superior in its simplicity.
Hanging photos with transparent clips
The STAS picture hits are patented transparent clips that allow you to hang and link cards and photos easily. The STAS picture hits can be twisted directly directly into the picture rail systems from STAS. You can place a transparent strip to keep a distance between the rail and your photos to hang them at eyelevel.
Suitable for all STAS picture hanging systems, except j-rail and j-rail max
Suitable for all sizes, minimum paper thickness is 0.3 mm
Hang and illuminate photos
For a picture hanging system that allows you to perfectly illuminate your pictures and wall decorations as well, you can choose the STAS multirail. Read more about these systems on the page art lighting.