STAS picture hanging systems products receive TÜV certification
STAS picture hanging systems provides a high quality product and has a large number of patents, design awards and model deposits. STAS strives day after day for products of the highest quality. To guarantee the quality and independence of products, STAS has commissioned TÜV for the testing of its products.
Led by TÜV, 12 rail systems, 21 hook-cord / rod combinations and 15 wall hooks have been tested for quality and correctness of the specified features. Each of the STAS products (list via the link below) was tested by TÜV Netherlands. Elements of the test include an extensive test of the specified features of the products such as weight capacity, risk management measures, registrations and checks of used materials.
List of tested products:
Railsystems: |
Rail – hook – cord/rod combinations: |
Panel hooks: |
STAS minirail |
STAS perlon cord with cobra with STAS smartspring and STAS zipper |
STAS panel hook white 11 mm |
The above products will be provided with the TÜV seal in all kinds of communications and in the future on packaging as well. This makes it clear that the products have been tested and approved by TÜV. STAS intends to have all other products to be tested by TÜV in the near future.
About TÜV Netherlands
TÜV Netherlands is an independent and recognized body that assesses the quality of products according to a set standard and has extensive experience in the field of product safety and product inspections. Under the direction of TÜV, a large part of our range of products has been tested for quality and correctness of the specified features. All products where the TÜV logo is shown, have actually been tested by TÜV Netherlands and approved for the capacity that is stated in the features of that product.
About TÜV certification
A TÜV certificate or TÜV quality mark is a confirmation that a product, service, process or organization meets the requirements set in legislation, standards and quality marks. STAS is expected to demonstrably meet requirements. But we also expect that parties with whom we do business meet the requirements.